Statutory & Legal Compliance:
We live in an environment of a statutory and legal compliances. Businesses are constantly bothered about risks involved and repercussions of actions/inaction. yourCFO provides a well-designed compliance mechanism for timely and efficient statutory compliance which helps you stay obedient to the legal regulations. We enforce ethical practices with stringent time lines, knowledge on how to avoid (not escape) legal implications and penalties. To name a few, our services include FEMA / FDI compliance, corporate law compliances, factory law compliances, labour law compliances, shop and establishments compliances and various other laws applicable to your organization.
Our services include liaising under FEMA/ with RBI, compliance of relevant provisions, advising on funding strategies through ECB/ GDR/ ADR, advising and arranging approval from RBI for purchase/ sale of shares/ debentures/ other securities and directly to and from Residents and Non Residents in India and outside India.
Corporate Policy Management & Compliance
“I have weak policies, how do I strengthen them?”, “My policies are very rigid and not timely updated”.
Major issues like weak or rigid policy, untimely update to policy arise due to which a business does not function as desired. Our corporate policy compliance services help you in developing, managing, updating and reporting on the status of policies. We ensure accurately drafted policies which are flexible to the business environment. We will help you in addressing these policies throughout your organization, training the users, impact of non-compliance, timely review and update of policies, comparing results of deploying effective policies, etc.
Contractual Compliance and Management
With increase in commerce, third party risks have multiplied. We step in to mitigate such high impact risks. Your organization will have relationships with various vendors, customers, government authorities, etc. yourCFO advises you in maintaining contract repositories, contract negotiation mechanism, matching expenditures to contracts, legal vetting of contracts, timely audit/review of contracts, contract update or renewal time lines, etc.