Developing financial business plans, budgets and forecasts
yourCFO helps solve the challenges faced in mapping the future with numbers, something that can never be done with perfect precision. We provide a linkage of budget development to corporate strategy, design procedures that allocate the resources strategically, reduce budget complexity and cycle time along with developing budgets that accommodate change.
We not only enable you to analyse your present financial position and set goals for achieving a better position in future but also help you in setting targets based on parameters like profit margin, return on capital employed, asset to sales ratio, etc.
Financial and management reporting
In today’s growing business environment, loads of data and related information is generated every day. It is very crucial that right information is available at right time to enable the decision makers in their process or choosing options or laying down the strategic goals. At yourCFO, we help create customised and automated dashboards that exhibit “actionable data”. We serve the core needs of owners / promoters/ investors / management to improve decision making, internal business processes, resource application and capacity utilization that aim at achieving corporate goals. Further, we also facilitate timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of financial and management reporting.
Audit Support
We establish audit programs or extend their capabilities as a co-sourcing partner for the growth of your business. Our audit support is designed to offer a manifest and practical approach enabled by subject matter experts, high-value solutions that ensure you can comply with the ever-changing requirements, emerging accounting and auditing standards which position audit teams as business enablers for your unblemished business.
yourCFO partners with you for handling your book-keeping, accountancy records. This supports you to concentrate efforts on your core business, which is essential for growth.
Integrated Finance Management
yourCFO offers a financial management system that enhances efficiency in financial transactions, effectiveness in control, transparency in operations, and accountability at various levels and adds to the convenience of stakeholders. It helps in planning and budgeting, revenue and expenditure management, human resource management, payroll, accounts management, debt and investment management and other functions. Being a closely integrated system, change in one system reflects in all components of the system.
Cash flow planning, investment, and treasury management
Cash is an important asset for all businesses. Low cash balances are a curse, but more than adequate cash balances are not a boon. Cash in business should be kept at an adequate level to maintain liquidity with additional cash being deployed in investment opportunities. We analyse the cash flows trends (including Foreign Exchange, if any) and populate projections of cash flow for obtaining an appropriate line of credit, cash collection acceleration techniques, sturdy effective collection and payment policies, suggesting options for investing your idle cash and thereby optimising the return on it. While doing so, we also help mitigating operational, financial and reputational risk.
Project planning, conceptualization and financial projection
yourCFO formulates a plan giving comprehensive guidance. Our project conceptualization includes project concepts such as financial conceptualization, market conceptualization with utmost feasibility. Our proven ability to plan, conceptualize, study the structure and implementing the right solution helps us partner you in the journey towards success and sustainability. We also estimate the expected growth in current business sectors, identify the new markets for the business in the future. Our projections are with reasonable accuracy thus helping avoid any strategic errors.